GSRTC Recruitment 2019: Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation invites online application from 10th/ 12th passed candidates. It is going to fill up 2389 vacancies in Gujarat. As per the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation jobs 2019 notification, these 2389 vacancies are allocated for Conductor posts. Applicants who are seeking govt jobs in Gujarat state will make the online registration from 01.11.2019 @ The last date for submission of GSRTC Conductor online application is 30.11.2019.
Gujarat GSRTC Conductor recruitment 2019 notification pdf & apply online link is available @ Aspirants should pass 10th/ 12th and age limit should be 18 to 35 years. GSRTC selection will be based on written exam. Shortlisted aspirants will be placed at anywhere in Gujarat state. Applicants have to pay required fee and make the payment via online mode. More details of GSRTC recruitment vacancy, upcoming Gujarat GSRTC jobs notices, merit list, selection list, admit card, result, upcoming notifications and etc. will be uploaded on official website.
Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation
Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation is a state government corporation providing road (Bus) transport services in Gujarat and other states of India. It was established on 1st May 1960. Headquarter is located at Central ST Workshop in Naroda, Ahmedabad. The corporation has 16 divisions and 126 depots.
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