Gujarat University has Released the Notification and Application form of Gujarat University CCC Online Registration Exam 2021. Online Registration For CCC Examination for govt. employees of Gujarat.
Only Gujarat Government Employees who are eligible for this CCC/ CCC+ Exam can visit the official Website After Online Apply For CCC submit a print copy to the University office as per the following Instructions. An applicant has to pay the fees of Rs. 200 for Theory & Practical both (or) Rs.100 for Theory only (or) Rs.100 for Practical only by online payment mode.
Gujarat University CCC Exam Registration 2021 Details
In all over Gujarat State, CCC Exam at various allotted examination centers. So, for those candidates who are curious to know about their Gujarat University CCC Exam Result so very soon they all will be able to view or download their Results from the official site of Gujarat University.
As we all know the Gujarat University Organised various exams every year for various posts. And this time Gujarat University is all set to hire CCC vacancies. Through the official site of the Gujarat University, Candidates are able to Check Gujarat University Cut Off Marks & Merit List. But Before Gujarat University CCC Exam Result official is going to release Gujarat University Answer Key as well So, for further details candidates are advised to check the official site of Gujarat University.
In this article, you are going to get all the essential details about the Gujarat University CCC Exam. Not only you will know how you can download the exam result but also you will be able to check whether you have cleared the exam or not. That is the reason why it will be essential for you to go through this article to the end.
Also, you will not have to worry about anything at all while you are reading it. Here, we did mention each and every detail that is essential for you all to know. Therefore you will be able to get a more clear idea of what we are trying to offer you. Each and every piece of information or detail that we did mention in this article is valuable. So you will have to make sure to go through the article carefully.
No matter how many times you will have to read the article, you must have to read it slowly. In order to understand the process easier, you will just have to follow all the steps and instructions that are available here in this article. Also, you can share with us in the comments below in case you face any problem or difficulty in any possible thing.
You should know that we will be more than happy to help you with any kind of doubt or query you have. It will not be possible for us to help all of you unless you are going to comment down. Thus the only thing that you will have to make sure of is to comment down about the problem you are facing with each and every detail. Then you will just have to keep checking the article and wait until we answer you.
How to Check Gujarat University CCC Exam Result 2021
Here, we did mention some steps with the help of which you can be able to check the Gujarat University CCC Exam Result. It will be possible for you to get all the important details about the process to check the exam results. The only thing that you will have to do is go through the following steps carefully. So that you can understand the things you will have to do to check whether you did clear the exam or not.
Let us now have a look at the steps that you should follow to get the exam results for Gujarat University CCC Exam.
- Candidates need to visit the official site of Gujarat University i.e.
- On the Landing page, you need to search the Result Link which is available on the right side.
- Then Click on Gujarat University Result 2021 Link
- Fill in all relevant details i.e. Roll Number, Name, Date of Birth, and Password
- Then Click on Submit Button
- Then your Gujarat University Exam Result is displayed on your computer screen.
- Now if you get past it to take a hard copy of it for future use.
Instructions / FAQ about Gujarat CCC Exam
We are sure that all of you will need to have each and every essential detail when we are talking about applying for the Gujarat CCC Exam. That is the main reason why we are going to provide you all the important instructions here. You will just have to make sure to read each and every point that we did mention below carefully. So that you will be able to have a more clear idea of what the Gujarat CCC Recruitment is all about.
- Only Gujarat State Government employees are eligible for this exam.
- Login is to be created by using the applicant’s mobile number as user name & the applicant has to choose their own password. An OTP will be sent on the mobile no which is to be entered to complete the registration process. All the communication by SMS will be sent to the candidate on this mobile number. Password should be without any special character
- Application fee to be paid online using debit cards, credit cards, or net banking. Registration fee paid is “Non-Refundable” and “Non-Transferable”. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances
- No hard copy of the registration form is to be sent to the university. The print out of your form is to be attested by your department head on page no 2. This print out along with a Xerox copy of your service certificate & photo ID is to be submitted at the time of examination. Original photo ID is to be produced at the time of examination for verification
- An applicant has to load his photo & signature at the time of filling out the form
- The application can be submitted for any exam Theory and practical both or only theory or only practical. An applicant who has passed in theory paper can appear for the practical exam only. Similarly, an applicant who has passed in practical examination previously can appear for theory examination only.
- The applicant is allowed to change the information filled in the application form except for their name & type of examination by submitting “Form Edit Request” through his respective login.
- In case you forget your password, it can be retrieved from the system by entering your login name & clicking “Forgot Password”
- The schedule for the examination as well as other important notifications will be informed by SMS on registered mobile no used at the time of registration. It will be displayed on the university website also. Candidates are requested to visit the university for regular updates
- Candidates are requested to appear for the exam, on the stipulated date & time. Candidates not appearing for the exam would be marked as “ABSENT”. No change in date or time of examination is permitted under any circumstances.