29 May 2021

AFCAT 2 2021 Recruitment Notification Out @afcat.cdac.in, Apply Online for 257 Vacancies for IAF Commissioned Officers Post

AFCAT 2 2021 Recruitment Notification Out @afcat.cdac.in, Apply Online for 257 Vacancies for IAF Commissioned Officers Post

AFCAT 2 2021 Recruitment Notification Download:Indian Air Force (IAF) has uploaded a notification for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT-2) for recruitment to the post of Commissioned Officers. Online applications will be invited for the courses commencing in July 2022 for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Flying Branch and Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC) in Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) Branches and grant of PC/ SSC for NCC Special Entry Scheme (For flying branch) and for Meteorology Entry from 01 June 2021 to 30 June 2021 on official website www.careerindianairforce.cdac.in OR www.afcat.cdac.in

A total of 334 vacancies shall be filled through AFCAT Entry, NCC Special Entry & Meteorology Entry.

Candidates can check more details on AFCAT 2 Recruitment 2021 such as educational qualification , selection process, exam pattern, syllabus based on previous year recruitment.

AFCAT 2 2021 Important Dates

SubjectImportant Date
Starting Date for AFCAT 2 Online Application01 June 2021
Last Date for AFCAT 2 Registration30 June 2021

How to Apply for AFCAT 2 2021 Recruitment ?

Eligible candidates can apply online for IAF AFCAT 2 2021 through ‘careerindianairforce.cdac.in or afcat.cdac.in’ from 01 June to 30 June by following steps. Aadhaar Card is mandatory for online registration

1.Click “CANDIDATE LOGIN’’ on the Home page- leads to AFCAT Sign-in

2.In the next page, applicants to click “NOT YET REGISTERED? REGISTER HERE”.

3.Sign Up: Creation of Log-in ID and applicant will receive a password in his/her registered email id.

4.After successful registration, sign-in with registered email id and system generated password.

5.Reset Password- Log-Out (candidates must remember their login ID and password for future use during the examination process).

6.Fresh Log-in.


8.Click “INSTRUCTIONS”. Read Instructions carefully.

9.Acknowledgement of having read and understood instructions- Check box to proceed to next stage.


11.Click “MAKE PAYMENT”- Online (applicable only for AFCAT)

12.Click “PAYMENT STATUS” to view whether payment is successful. If Registration Number is displayed, it implies that the payment is successful. 

Exam Fee:

Rs. 250/- (No Fee for NCC Special entry)

AFCAT 2 2021 Vacancy Details

Commissioned Officer Posts

Entry Type


No. of Posts



SSC - 96

Ground Duty (Technical)

AE(L) : PC - 20, SSC - 78

AE(M) : PC - 08, SSC - 31

Ground Duty (NonTechnical)

Admin : PC -10, SSC - 42

Edn : PC - 04, SSC -17



10% seats out of CDSE
vacancies for PC and 10%
seats out of AFCAT
vacancies for SSC

Meteorology Entry


Met : PC– 06,SSC– 22

AFCAT 2 2021 Salary:

Flying Officer - Rs. 56100 - 177500 at Pay Level - 10, MSP Rs. 15500 (Flight Cadets shall receive a fixed stipend of Rs 56,100/- per month during one year of training.)

AFCAT 2 Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification & Experience:

Flying Branch

Candidates should have mandatorily passed with a minimum of 50% marks each in Maths and Physics at 10+2 level and Graduation with minimum three years degree course in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent. OR BE/B Tech degree (Four years course) from a recognised University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent. OR Candidates who have cleared Section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.

Ground Duty (Technical) Branch.

  •  Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) {AE (L)}. - Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and a minimum of four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/ Technology from recognized University OR cleared Sections A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India or Graduate membership examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:- (aaa) Communication Engineering. (aab) Computer Engineering/Technology. (aac) Computer Engineering & Application. (aad) Computer Science and Engineering/Technology. (aae) Electrical and Computer Engineering. (aaf) Electrical and Electronics Engineering. (aag) Electrical Engineering. (aah) Electronics Engineering/ Technology. 4 (aaj) Electronics Science and Engineering. (aak) Electronics. (aal) Electronics and Communication Engineering. (aam) Electronics and Computer Science. (aan) Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering. (aao) Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering (Microwave). (aap) Electronics and Computer Engineering. (aaq) Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering. (aar) Electronics Instrument & Control. (aas) Electronics Instrument & Control Engineering. (aat) Instrumentation & Control Engineering. (aau) Instrument & Control Engineering. (aav) Information Technology. (aaw) Spacecraft Technology. (aax) Engineering Physics. (aay) Electric Power and Machinery Engineering. (aaz) Infotech Engineering. (aba) Cyber Security.
  • Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical) {AE (M)} - Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and a minimum of four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/Technology from recognised University OR cleared Sections A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:- (aaa) Aerospace Engineering. (aab) Aeronautical Engineering. (aac) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. (aad) Mechanical Engineering. (aae) Mechanical Engineering and Automation. (aaf) Mechanical Engineering (Production). (aag) Mechanical Engineering (Repair and Maintenance). (aah) Mechatronics. (aaj) Industrial Engineering. (aak) Manufacturing Engineering. (aal) Production and Industrial Engineering. (aam) Materials Science and Engineering. (aan) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. (aao) Aerospace and Applied Mechanics. (aap) Automotive Engineering. (aaq) Robotics (aar) Nanotechnology (aas) Rubber Technology and Rubber Engineering.

Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branches

  • Administration - Passed 10+2 and Graduate Degree (Minimum three years degree course) in any discipline from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent or cleared section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
  • Education - Passed 10+2 and Post-Graduation with 50% in any discipline including integrated courses offering PG (Single degree without permission to exit and lateral entry) and with 60% marks in Graduation in any discipline.
  • Meteorology - Post Graduate Degree in any Science stream/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Geography/ Computer Applications/ Environmental Science/ Applied Physics/ Oceanography/ Meteorology/ Agricultural Meteorology/ Ecology & Environment/ Geophysics/ Environmental Biology with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together (Provided Maths and Physics were studied at Graduation Level with a minimum of 55% marks in each).

Marital Status:

Candidates below 25 years of age must be unmarried at the time of commencement of the course. Widows/ Widowers and divorcees (with or without encumbrances) below 25 years of age are also not eligible.

Age Limit:

Flying Branch: 20 to 24 years as on 01 July 2022 i.e. born between 02 July 1998 to 01 July 2002 (both dates inclusive). Upper age limit for candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot License issued by DGCA (India) is relaxable upto 26 year i.e. born between 02 July 1996 to 01 July 2002 (both dates inclusive).

Ground Duty (Technical/ Non-Technical): Branches. 20 to 26 years as on 01 July 2022 i.e. born between 02 July 1996 to 01 July 2002

Selection Process for AFCAT 2 2021

The selection will be done on the basis of:

  1. AFCAT written examination
  2. Officers Intelligence Rating Test & Picture Perception and Discussion test, Psychological test
  3. Group tests / Interview.

AFCAT Exam Pattern 2021

  1. AFCAT Exam - 100 questions on General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test. The total marks of the exam of 300 marks. The duration of the test is 2 Hours.
  2.  EKT [For Candidates with one of the choices as (Technical) Branch] - There will be 50 questions on Mechanical, Computer Science and Electrical & Electronics of 150 marks and the time duration to complete the test is 45 minutes.

AFCAT 2 Marking Scheme

  • Three marks will be awarded for every correct answer.
  • One mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
  • No marks for unattempted questions.

AFCAT Syllabus 2021

  • English - Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of correct word, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases.
  • General Awareness - History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Current Affairs, Environment, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Sports, etc.
  • Numerical Ability - Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple Interest, Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams).
  • Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test - Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.


Air Force Selection Board (AFSB)- Candidates who would clear the Online AFCAT will be called at one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSB ). There will be three stages under AFSB

Stage-I - Officer Intelligence Rating Test along with Picture Perception and discussion test will be conducted on the first day. Stage-I test is a screening test and only those who qualify would undergo subsequent testing. All Stage-I qualified candidates would be subjected to document check to ascertain their eligibility for the branches applied for. Candidates who either do not qualify in Stage-I or do not meet the required eligibility criteria would be sent back on the first day itself.

 Stage-II - Psychological test will be conducted on Day 1(Afternoon) and the Group Tests and Interview would commence after document check for the next five days.

For Flying Branch. - Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) would be administered to recommended candidates only. This is once in a lifetime test. Candidates who have failed the CPSS/ PABT in an earlier attempt or a Flight Cadet suspended from flying training at Air Force Academy will not be eligible.

AFCAT 2 2021 Final Merit List

Final merit list shall be prepared on the basis of the total marks secured by them in the written examination and in the AFSB tests.

AFCAT 2 Notification Download

Official Website


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