18 Jun 2021

GSEB Official Updates @gsebeservice.com

The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) is a government of Gujarat body responsible for degerming the policy related, administrative, cognitive, & intellectual direction the State's Secondary and Higher Secondary Educational System takes. 

The Gujarat Board was formed on the basis of The Gujarat Secondary Education Act 1972 & Conducts the state level exam. The main academic task of GSEB is the preparation of Syllabus for secondary school and also the recommendation of "Text Books to be taught in government schools as well as registered private schools. The Board also performs the duties of recognizing new schools, performance evaluation of schools and inspections of various schools. 

About Board
The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) has been in existence since the year 1960. It is authorized to prescribe syllabus, Study materials, education policies and conduct examinations to the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and the Higher Secondary (School) Certificate (SSC) level

More than 15 lakh students participate in the yearly Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and the Higher Secondary (School) Certificate (SSC) level examinations conducted by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB). The GSEB is also entrusted with conducting the state level engineering entrance examinations GUJCET.



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