21 Sept 2021

New 15000 Vacancy Announced by Brijesh Merja

After the change in the cabinet in Gujarat, it seems that all the accounts are gradually becoming active. A meeting was now held with the DDO of Panchayat Minister Brijesh Merja at a time when the ministers themselves are pushing for work with personal interest.

An important announcement was made by Minister Brijesh Merja at the meeting with DDO. He said 15,000 posts would be filled in the panchayat-run department. There are currently 16,400 vacancies. Due to which, naturally, there are also problems in management.

Unemployment is on the rise in the country, including Gujarat, but there are many places where young people cannot get jobs due to recruitment by the government, but it is likely that many young people will benefit from this announcement.

15 thousand vacancies will be filled for 7 services
He announced that 15 thousand vacancies will be filled for 7 services in the near future. And will be recruited in the Panchayat Department. Under which a total of 16400 posts have fallen vacant in which 15000 will be recruited.

It may be mentioned that Brijesh Merja has already made a big announcement about another scheme. Which is good news for the workers of Gujarat state. He decided to start the Annapurna scheme and has also announced to start the Annapurna scheme in a month.

He said that earlier the government had stopped the Annapurna scheme but now they are going to start the scheme again.

He said the government had launched a scheme to provide food to workers at a nominal rate.

Source : VTV Gujarati

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