26 Oct 2021

Ambedkar Aavas Yojana -Gujarat: Rs. 1 Lakh 20 Thousand Assistance.

આંબેડકર આવાસ યોજના-ગુજરાત : રૂ. 1 લાખ 20 હજારની સહાય. (Ambedkar Aavas Yojana -Gujarat: Rs. 1 lakh 20 thousand assistance.)

➣ શું શુ જોઈશે ડોક્યુમેન્ટ ? (Do you need a document?)
➣ ક્યાંથી મળશે લાભ ❓(Where to get benefits)
➣ કોને કોને મળશે લાભ❓ (Who will get the benefit)
➣ ઓનલાઇન અરજી ચાલુ છે. (Online application is ongoing)
➣ જાણો સંપૂર્ણ વિગતે માહિતી (Learn full detail information)

How to Apply Online for Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana ?

The government has increased the housing scheme by 70 per cent.

Under Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Awas Yojana, 142 castes, 40 nomadic and free castes and about 58 anonymous golden castes of Bakshipanch as well as 36 Scheduled Castes under Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana are currently given Rs.  70,000 to build their houses.  

Also read: Animal Kishan Credit Card Scheme

This assistance includes Rs.  50,000 or 70 percent.  Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani and Finance Minister Nitinbhai Patel for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.  1,20,000, Gujarat State Housing Scheme also Rs.  1,20,000 will be given.

The purpose of the Yojana

1,50,000 is paid in three installments by SC for construction of homeless, open plot, non-residential raw mud and first floor building.  1,50,000 first installment out of assistance - Rs.  50,000, second installment - Rs.  50,000 and the third installment - Rs.  50,000 / - is given.

Terms and conditions

Beneficiaries or other family members of the beneficiary should not avail benefits under any other housing scheme implemented by the government.

Dr. Ambedkar. The entire construction of the building will not be completed with the help received under the Ambedkar Awas Yojana, so the remaining amount will have to be completed by adding the benefit to the beneficiary himself.  Also read: All government schemes have information on your mobile

Annual income should not exceed Rs.1,50,000 in rural areas and Rs.1,50,000 in urban areas.

In addition to housing assistance, under the Grameen Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Scheme (MNREGA), Rs.

Under Swachh Bharat Mission, Rs.  15,000 / - for toilet can be obtained from Taluka Panchayat in rural areas and Nagarpalika / Mahanagarpalika in urban areas.  Also read: Pradhan Mantri Kishan Sanman Nidhi Yojana

To present documents

  1. Aadhaar card of the applicant
  2. Ration card
  3. Election credentials
  4. Example of caste / sub-caste of the applicant
  5. Example of the applicant's total annual income
  6. Proof of Residence: (Electricity Bill, License, Lease Agreement, Copy of Election Card)
  7. Bank Passbook / Canceled Check (Name of Applicant)
  8. Land Ownership Form / Document / Size Form / Right Form / Charter (as applicable)
  9. A copy of the map showing the area of ​​land signed by Talati-cum-Minister.

Construction of the building

The affidavit states that he has not taken advantage of the scheme before

Example of husband's death (if widowed)

Note. : The form has to be filled online.

Apply Apply online and apply the application form

Steps for the application online

  1. Register your self
  2. Login Gin and Update Profile
  3. And Apply for the Scheme
  4. Then Submit your application

Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana Online Application Form 2021 @esamajkalyan.gujarat.gov.in

Individual Housing Assistance Scheme (Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana) (Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojna 2021) for the members of the Scheduled Castes The purpose of the scheme is to build houses for the Scheduled Castes homeless, open plots, uninhabited raw soil and in the first place. Floor 1,20,000 is paid in three instalments. 1,20,000 assistance out of Rs. 1st installment - Rs. 40,000, second installment - Rs. 60,000 and the third installment – ​​Rs 20,000/- will be given to the beneficiary.

Housing Scheme Details Below

Scheme NameDr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana Gujarat
ImplementationGovernment of Gujarat
The ObjectivesScheduled Caste Homeless, with Open Plot, Uninhabitable
BeneficiaryScheduled Caste Homeless Family
Type Of ApplicationOnline
BenefitRs.1,20,000 Assistance
Official Websitehttps://esamajkalyan.gujarat.gov.in

Ambedkar Aavas Yojana -Gujarat: Rs. 1 lakh 20 thousand assistance.

Online Application

Application Form PDF


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