Following the Home Department's target of starting recruitment process for more than 27,000 posts in 100 days, Gujarat Police has announced recruitment of 10,459 posts of LRD (Lokarakshak Dal). The recruitment process is currently underway, in which online application can be made till November 9. As many as 1.5 lakh forms have been filled up by October 25, Divya Bhaskar is giving answers to embarrassing questions to every LRD candidate in an exclusive conversation with Additional DGP Hasmukh Patel.
In a conversation with Divya Bhaskar, Hasmukh Patel said that application can be made on When a helpline has been started, the number is 18002335500. Any question can be answered on this number. The help desk will be available from 10.30 am to 6.00 pm. However, this number will not be available on Sundays and public holidays and there will be no service charge if the candidate pays the fee through UPI. The post office charges Rs 12 and the bank charges Rs 5.90.
1983 space reserved together in both categories :-
- The Lokrakshak Dal will recruit for 5,212 posts of unarmed constables, 797 posts of armed constables and 4,450 posts of SRP constables, with a total of 1,983 posts reserved for women in both the non-SRP categories.
1) Divya Bhaskar: If there is CHUHAN instead of CHAUHAN in the mark sheet of Std. 12, is there any problem?
Hasmukh Patel: When a candidate gets involved in the process by filling up a form, it has to be amended by the time the document verification is done. Candidate should apply with real name and amend till verification.
2) Divya Bhaskar: When will Criminal Extract be valid in OBC?
Hasmukh Patel: The Criminal Certificate is valid for three financial years. Certificates valid till 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 Certificates issued after 1st April 019 will be valid. Certificate must be issued before November 9, 2021.
3) Divya Bhaskar: Does the EWS certificate of 20-06-2019 work? And what to do in the warranty?
Hasmukh Patel: EWS (Economic Weaker Section) certificate is valid for three years. Certificate issued from 9th November 2018 will be valid. In fact, the certificate has been issued from 25-1-2019. Thus, the certificate issued from 25th January 2019 will be considered valid. Candidate does not have to go anywhere for the guarantee that is to be given, a sample of the guarantee is available on the website and has to be given accordingly.
4) Divya Bhaskar: If there is a subject called Computer Introduction in Std. 8 and it also has a certificate, is it necessary to do a separate course?
Hasmukh Patel: Having done computer course in standard 10 and 12 will be considered valid. A government approved course will be considered valid. It will have to be submitted when the document is verified. If you have done computer course in standard 8, its certificate will not work.
5) Divya Bhaskar: I don't have a toe on my right foot and I have to walk 5 km. If it is done in 22 minutes, will there be any problem in medical?
Hasmukh Patel: There are certain rules for the physical fitness of the candidate. The final decision will be taken after the selection process of the candidate is completed. The rule of thumb has not come to my attention at present.
6) Divya Bhaskar: What to do if the sisters have a period date on the same day as the physical test?
Hasmukh Patel: No concessions can be given, because we cannot verify it
7) Divya Bhaskar: 13 rounds of 400 meters i.e. 5200 meters. What time of the candidate will be considered in the physical test? 5000 meters or 5 km or 5200 meters i.e. 13 rounds?
Hasmukh Patel: The candidate will run 5000 meters i.e. 5 kilometers, in which the candidate should not pay attention to how many rounds to run, as the size of the ground will determine how many rounds the candidate has to run.
8) Divya Bhaskar: Can you run with a digital watch to know the time?
Hasmukh Patel: Candidate will not be able to run with digital watch. Can keep a normal watch. There will also be a display watch on the ground.
9) Divya Bhaskar: If he enlisted in the Army on Std. 10 pass, then he has not passed Std. 12, but he has been given a certificate equivalent to graduation at the time of retirement, but if he has Std. Can be
Hasmukh Patel: There is a special provision for ex-armyman to study, in which he has to give a certificate of 12 equivalent studies and the rule will be applicable only if he has completed 15 years of service.
10) Divya Bhaskar: Can a candidate with glasses apply in LRD?
Hasmukh Patel: There is no barrier for spectacled candidates.
11) Divya Bhaskar: If the SC category candidate has filled the form in General in PSI, can both SC and M be filled separately in Constable?
Hasmukh Patel: General candidate cannot avail the benefit of any category, but if there is a candidate coming in any category (SC, ST-EWS) but he does not want to avail the category, he can fill the form in General.
12) Divya Bhaskar: What is checked in medical and how?
Hasmukh Patel: This whole subject is medical, so read the rules and if there is any doubt as to whether there is any defect in it, you can take the guidance of a proper doctor. This is not the job of the recruitment board.
13) Divya Bhaskar: Is vaccination necessary for LRD / PSI exam?
Hasmukh Patel: There is no need for vaccination at present.
14) Divya Bhaskar: Financially, if the certificate of reservation is of 03/2019, will it work?
Hasmukh Patel: EWS certificate issued from November 9, 2018 will be valid. In fact Ta. Certificates have been issued from 25-1-2019. Thus, certificates issued from 25 January 2019 will be considered valid.
15) Divya Bhaskar: Marcus will be counted only in LRD or also in PSI Marcus will be counted in final merit based on the time taken for the race?
Hasmukh Patel: We run for both the exams together, the other two recruits are different. Recruitment of Lokarakshak has 25 marks of physical test and 50 marks of PSI. Suppose it takes 20 minutes then the mark obtained from the 25 marks of the physical test will go to the Lokarakshak. Similarly, PSI will have a total of 50 written-physical test marks. The two exams are different. There are different forms for both.October 27 in PSI, while LRD deadline is November 9.
16) Divya Bhaskar: If the form has been filled in general category in PSI, can it be filled in EWS in constable?
Hasmukh Patel: Whoever gets the benefit of the category gets it. If there is a candidate for the category but he does not take advantage of the category, he can fill the form in General. If one wants to avail the category, a valid certificate has to be submitted at the time of document verification.
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