23 Nov 2021

Gujarat Public Service Commision (GPSC) Various Notifications 2021

The Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) was formed under article 315(1) in the Constitution of India in 1 May 1960. To select applicants for civil service in the Indian state of Gujarat according to the merits of the applicants and the rules of reservation. It was formed in 1960.

As per Article no.316 Constitution of India, State governor has the power to select member and chairman of their own state's GPSC.

A chairman and members of GPSC can stay on their position till 6 years or 62 years..in both of them which is early.

Now Dinesh Dasa is the current chairman of GPSC. 

What is a GPSC test for?

GPSC represents Gujarat Public Service Commission. GPSC Exam is held by the commission to enlist for Class I, II, and III administrations of the state organization.

What is the capability for the GPSC Exam?

The base age limit is 20 while the most extreme age limit is 35 for general class wannabes. Competitors should hold a Bachelors' Degree from any perceived college or comparable capability. Peruse the point by point GPSC qualification standards in the connected article.

What is maximum age limit for GPSC class 1 & class 2 age maximum age limit for send candidate.

For general category students;
1. Minimum age – 20
2. Maximum age – 35

GPSC Exam Fees for State Service Exam :-

Method of installment of charges (For General/open classification)

Pay with cash at any Computerized Post Office across Gujarat

Online Payment

Assessment Fees is absolved for the accompanying classifications

SC, ST, Economically Weaker segment of Gujarat beginning.

Genuinely crippled

Ex-servicemen absolved from application expenses and assessment charges for Class III posts. Not with standing, they are not qualified for such exception for Class-I and Class-II posts.



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