18 Feb 2022

Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2021-22

Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2021-22: The Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar has been instituted by the Ministry of Education, Government of India to recognize, inspire and celebrate excellence in sanitation and hygiene practice in schools. The purpose of the SVP is to honor schools that have undertaken significant steps towards fulfilling the mandate of the Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign. SVP is based on IT enabled assessment of WASH infrastructure, hygienic practices and COVID-19 appropriate behaviour.

Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2021-22

Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya, SBSV)

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in schools play a significant role in determining the health of children, attendance, dropout rate and learning outcomes. The provision of water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in school secures a healthy school environment and protects children from illness (including COVID-19) and exclusion. It is a first step towards a healthy physical learning environment, benefiting both learning and health. In 2014, Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya (SBSV) initiative was launched to ensure that all schools in India have access to separate functional toilets for boys and girls. The initiative lays emphasis on promoting safe and appropriate hygiene practices in schools and behaviour among children.

Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar was launched in 2016-17 with following key objectives

To recognize, inspire & celebrate excellence in sanitation and hygiene.

To honor schools that have undertaken significant steps towards fulfilling the mandate of the Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign & adhering to the standards of hygiene & cleanliness.

To promote sustainable practices of improved water sanitation & hygiene in schools

Essential elements (SVP 2021-22):

1) Water.

2) Sanitation.

3) Handwashing with Soap.

4) Operation and Maintenance.

5) Behaviour Change Activities & Capacity Building.

6) “COVID-19 preparedness and response” (newly added in view of the COVID pandemic).

School can participate in the SVP 2021-22 through web portal https://www.swachhvidyalayapuraskar.com or by downloading the mobile app, “Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar” from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

School shall “Sign Up” by using UDISE+ code of the school. School will need to verify the prefilled information like; school’s UDISE+ code, name of school, State, district, block, village. After verification, school will fill up additional basic information like: address of the school, respondent’s name, designation, mobile, email. School will also choose a password and confirm password.

Post this, school will need to click the “sign-up” button.

A pop-up message “Sign Up Successful” will appear on screen and an email confirmation will be sent to the school for same.

School can “Login” for SVP-2021-22 by using “UDISE+ code and the password” (Password should be same as selected during sign up phase.)

Schools will then proceed to fill in the information (along with photo upload) as per the prescribed self-assessment format for the school level information under the Annexure 1 (Section A: Primary information (for registration) & Section B: assessment categories (for survey).

After completing the form, school will click the “submit” button.

An OTP will be generated and sent to the registered Email address.

School will type the OTP to complete the SVP application. A pop up message on screen will appear informing about successful submission.

Yes, school has both the options to apply for the SVP 2021-22, either from “web portal” or from “mobile app”, based on the convenience/ feasibility. For applying through the website school can visit the webpage – https://www.swachhvidyalayapuraskar.com and follow the process by clicking on the menu “Apply” for the award.

Conditional questions, either interlinked to the previous questions (as if question 1, if no drinking water facility is there in the school question 2 about adequacy becomes redundant) or

A few questions might be relevant to certain categories of schools (as question 19, 20, 45 are not relevant for the primary school).

In the above cases, if the question is not appropriate to your school category, then it will be disabled/ skipped.

If the mobile phone is getting hanged/ slow or not supporting in quick submission of responses it may be due to various reasons such as internet speed, peak hours, old mobile version. So, you may like to try to apply some of the options as

Keep ready the response in advance for each question, based on the pre- downloaded format, while applying from a place where there is fast internet connectivity

Try uploading information beyond official working hours, when congestion might be less as website/App are open 24 hours a day and this will help you avoid peak hour internet congestion.

Try to apply through any latest smart mobile phone version with better internet speed.

You may further contact- district, block officials, if further support may be needed.

Important Links:

SVP Question Answer PDF

SVP Application

SVP Video

SVP 2022 teachers’ orientation- Gujarat


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